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This issue marks the seventh year of publishing the Faithful Sisters’ Newsletter. In November 2010 I was given the assignment to write the publication. As I’ve stated in previous issues I did not have the slightest idea of how to accomplish the task. I accepted the challenge and wrote the newsletter even in fear. I could not imagine anyone wanting to read what I was writing. What I did not take into account was the fact that I was only the typist. All of the information in each and every issue is God inspired. I never know from month-to-month what will be written. I have learned through a series of see-saw experiences that God has a plan to use me anyway He sees fit. I’ve determined in my mind that even if I don’t feel confident in what I’m being asked to do I would do it anyway. I understand that God’s plan for me will not always be crystal clear. There will be times when I will just have to go forth and not know the direction. I know that in the end if I am obedient someone will benefit from my obedience. I want to thank each and every one of you who over the past six years have read the articles and even shared them with other people. To God be the glory!
As we approach the Thanksgiving season it is a great time to reflect on the goodness of the God. As I wrote the previous statement several situations came to mind that I know people are struggling with. Death of love ones, loss of jobs, illness, financial difficulty, wayward children, spiritual upheavals.
How in the midst of all the pain does one give thanks to God? The answer to that question is based on one’s perspective of God. If a person sees God as all knowing, all seeing, all caring then they realize that what has happen to them or is happening to them is no surprise to God. They realize that in the times of tribulation they have not been forsaken by God. In my latest book, And Still I Praise, I dedicated the book to one of my godly sisters who at the loss of her husband demonstrated how to give thanks to God in the midst of it all. Trials and tribulations are going to enter our lives. There is no way around it. Jesus said it would happen. For those of us that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior we know that we will make it through any and all situations. We know that even in the midst of the storm we can offer gratitude to God. We know that God is truly a way maker and He has never and will never forsake us. Will tears fall? Yes! Will dark days greet us? Yes! Will questions that seem to have no answers cross our path? Yes! We have to take the same stance that Job took, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him”(Job 13:15 a)
We have to trust God and know that all things work together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose.
And we now that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28(NASB)
In this season of Thanksgiving I challenge you to remember the sovereignty of God. He is in charge. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Lean and depend on Him to bring you through whatever you face. Trust God to restore the joy of your salvation.